Thursday, September 07, 2006

Our girls started school

Monday was the first day at school for our girls. The first few days were just fun and activities which was perfect for the girls, as it gave them the chance to meet the kids in their classes and get to know them prior to the start of serious studies.

They spent the first two days playing and attending different plays, games and fun activities. The second day I voluentered to help at the school and was around helping with the lines for the different activities. We spent last night finishing getting ready for school and getting the books and the notebooks ready.

For the friends with kids in the United Stated, just wanted to let you know that getting ready for school took on a whole new meanining here. We got a list of items needed including the books, supplies, and special notebooks. Then we had to cover every single book and notebook with a paper cover.

The kids take everything with them back and forth from school every single day... all their books too. Many classes have several books and notebooks, and it has been a chore just to figure out what they need to take every day for each subject. We're still figuring that out!

So far things are going well, but we will see how things go over the next few weeks when they really start studying.


At Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 9:03:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starting for school for them sounds like my primary school days in Belize. Long lists, covering all the books with brown shopping paper/wraping paper, and carrying all of them to class- that is walking to school too...
We surely learned to appreciate and take care of all our books!!

Love and kisses to all...


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