Life is Sweet and Sour
So many thoughts coming to mind, said my prayers tried to sleep but as you can see I am still up. So here I am updating you on few of the things happened since I wrote.
The girls have a calendar and they cross off each day as the day finish to count how many days before their aunt and her family are here, when their uncle arrives with his wife and mellion things they wan to do as we are looking at our plans to travel back home after 2 years of being here. How they will miss their best friends who will be coming from Florida to Israel arriving the same day we are leaving but then they ok with it as we will still be in Florida when they come back and we will see them there. Same times I am thinking how I will miss seeing a good friends that will be leaving Florida as will be arriving the same day. Things happen around us in way that we can’t understand and have no control over but can’t help to wonder why it happens the way it does?!
Final exams are back! September will be two years for us here Wow, I can’t believe it. The girls continue to amaze me of how they dealing with their exams how well their Arabic is getting and their adjustment to the culture. Nadia comes home and hid among her books and read her English stories, Yasmeen organize her room make a list of all the things she need to take back to her friends and cousins. No more long complaint about the hot days or the teachers screaming it is all becoming part of their daily life. At dinner we hear them casual mention the Toshah (fights) that happened in the school and who were the involved parties, which teach is pregnant, and we move on talking about the plan for the day.
The tenth Baha’i National convention was held here in Haifa in April 2008 Being part of the convention was something that I will never forget; watching over 1,000 people speaking different languages, looking so different, from different nations, colors, classes, coming together in such a unity and love to elect the Universal House of Justice. It really gives hope to the world it shows that peace is possible and it is not just a dream among all this madness and war. In a part of the world where people are scared to travel to, this beautiful flower blooms.
The picture below was taken one day before the convetion they invited the childreen and the families of the Baha'i World Center to go and visit the place where the convention will be held.

Our girls’ grandparents were here from Belize as delegates and they stayed couple of weeks after the convention to visit. We really had a wonderful visit with them. We went camping together and visited Nazareth and had and they did many project with the girls. They were a great help with the kids and I was able to concentrate at work more and spend more time working. They have such a radiant spirit and are so full of life and energy and full of love for the girls.

I know I am getting really weird so I better stop and go to sleep as in three hours from now I need to get up and get ready for a meeting in Akka and help the kids off the school. SO Goodnight, if you are going to bed and wish you a good day if you are waking up.
Hi guys, I've been meaning to call you guys for a while now but the time difference always catches up on me. Ba & I been missing you guys more than ever since we've been going down to South Florida a lot recently. We drove by your house the other day & I wanted to go in sooo badly! I remember always going to the door and the girls RUNNING & saying Tiiias and jumping giving us hugs and kisses:) :) :) Like the girls, I'm now counting the days until your arrival in Florida!
May, sorry to hear about the Arab guard that passed away. I remember him when I was serving there. He was a very kind man always with a smile. I can still smell the wonderful coffee from the guard shacks.
May,thank you for the lovely post & photos! I especially love the two photos of the girls walking in Mazrai between the pine trees. That was my FAVORITE place to walk and was always so peaceful.
Hugs, Tahirih
Count down = 47 days !!!! :)
I too could not sleep since I got lots on my mind, so I started working. So with sadness in my heart wanted to call you, but didn't want to wake you up in the early morning and decided to check your blog instead. And was really saddend with the passing of the Durzi guard, as he was such a smiley nice man and was pleasure to see him when we came to the holy places. I am glad you mentioned this-will say prayer for him. Many dies every day, and the good ones will always be remembered- so is life. It seems as things repeats again and again...
Well- The boys, and of course me and Kourosh can't wait to see you all.
this is naveed I can't wait for you guys to come,we have lots of stuff to do with you guys
you will miss some of your friends but at least we will get to see you :] I miss all of you a ton and cant wait till you get here send my love to everyone
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